Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My Life

My Name: Joni Renee Merkel

Childhood Ambition: Back in the day, I wanted to become a princess. Silly, I know, but that was, when I basically knew of no other color besides pink. Much has changed since then, but I still enjoy "dolling up" every once in a while. Today, pink only reminds me of P!nk, one of my favorite musical artists.

Fondest Memory: my family making shadow puppets together whenever the power went out.

Proudest Moment: Photographing my first wedding!

Biggest Challenge: waking up early in the morning. I love my sleep too much. :)

Alarm Clock: 70 different annoyingly loud alarms to battle my hatred for early mornings.

Perfect Day: sitting on the porch on a perfectly calm spring day reading my favorite book.

Indulgence: a good book, a long nap, or maybe a little chocolate (cause who can resist chocolate).

Favorite Movie: The Avengers

Soundtrack: One of my favorite songs at the moment is "Sail" by AWOLNATION.

Inspirations: the world around me and the people that are in it.

My Life is: a work in progress.