Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Project 1 Compositions

Exposure Mode: Auto
Shutter Speed: 1/10
Aperture: f/5.6
Composition Technique: Close-up
Element or Principle of Design: Texture/Field of Depth
Description: A bed in a hotel room in Rapid City, SD.

Exposure Mode: Auto
Shutter Speed: 1/25
Aperture: f/5.6
Composition Technique: Leading Lines
Element or Principle of Design: Contrast
Description: Corner of a wall in Rapid City, SD

Exposure Mode: Auto
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Aperture: f/3.5
Composition Technique: Worms Eye
Element or Principle of Design: Field of Depth
Description: Shower curtains in Rapid City, SD

"Light Overhead"
Exposure Mode: Auto
Shutter Speed: 1/100
Aperture: f/5.6
Composition Technique: Close-up/Worms Eye
Element or Principle of Design: Contrast
Description: Lamp in a hotel in Rapid City, SD


  1. "Comfort" is a great photo. Without the description, I would have never guessed it was a bed. The color and lighting are very unique. It would be interesting to see you use different modes, like close-up and see what would change the photo.

  2. "Contrast" is an interesting photo angle I really like that. I think it would be neat to do maybe an angle of looking down the wall to the corner maybe.

  3. I love all your photos and how you have to decipher what they are at first glance! For using a hotel room as your shooting media you did a great job because there isn’t much to choose from in one room. Overall great job, my favorite photo is "Contrast" I love the different lighting on each side.

  4. I think my favorites are "Comfort" and "Light Overhead", the subject matter is really interesting they way it is presented. The colors and texture in "Comfort" are great! For "Curtains" I think the door handle in the left is throwing me off a little, but it has a interesting view, maybe either cropping it out or cropping it so it's not too far to the side.
